🌟 This painting, “Friendship Quilt,” was a part of the “Secret Handshake” art show Thursday, June 13th 2024 at Mission Bar (2697 Mission St).
The idea for “Friendship Quilt” started with the theme of the show, Secret Handshake. I wanted the painting to represent this idea of clandestine meeting. Around 2020-2022, a lot of us were wheat pasting around the city, and we found each other through these pieces we would throw up at night. We would recognize each other’s tags around the city, often before meeting in person. This piece is a tribute to the community we built unknowingly and the bonds formed through our art in the streets. 🖤
But it’s not just artists that get up in San Francisco—I included some other friends too. I like the idea of the artists work representing the artist. In some cases it may be more obvious who the artist is than others. If you know, you know.
I also included some musicians as well; in a lot of ways music drives my artistic practice. I didn’t want to include every musician I love—that may be a different piece for a different time. I chose musicians who have been in my thoughts these past few years, and I wanted to include a few that mean a lot to me because they are good people who inspire me to push myself further.
I could have worked on this painting forever, and even now, there are people I wish I had added into this painting. It’s the second one that I’ve done that directly references other artists’ work, and I’m sure it won’t be the last.
Lastly, I wanted to say this piece would not be possible without my mom, who has made me so many amazing quilts over the years.
San Francisco is brimming with incredible artists, and many of them will be part of this show. I can’t wait to see you there and celebrate our amazing creative community! 🎨✨